181-183 Yorke St, Mansfield Woodhouse, NG19 9NJ
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Bicycle Repairs and Servicing in Mansfield and Nottinghamshire

We run an online workshop diary / appointment system...

Just like a garage, you can book your bike in to have work carried out & we will have it completed by the time we have agreed for you to collect. Alternatively you can bring your bike in any time. We will have a look at the bike with you and then agree upon what needs to be done. We will give you a quotation for the work and then agree with you a day and time for collection.


Are the busier days of the week for customers visiting the shop. It is great to see the shop busy, but it does mean we spend less time in the workshop so less can be guaranteed over the weekend. If you need your bike back asap, consider taking advantage of our weekday opening hours, (09:00am to 17:00pm), when it is easier for us to complete services same / next day.

Servicing prices...

Labour rates are flat rates, no hidden charges or extras. If you provide all of your own parts to be fitted, then expect to be charged, local shops are not fitting services for the internet and we will not warranty parts not purchased from the shop. Click for full workshop price list


There is a £3 per day storage charge for all bikes not collected when agreed. We are small and storage is a constant problem. Please don't force us to turn away work because your bike is clogging up our store room.

Suspension servicing...

We can service forks or shocks in house please see the workshop price list for further details.

Insurance quotes...

Are available from the shop for £30. You will be provided with a workshop receipt and a letter headed quotation. The charge is then refundable if you go ahead with the work. This way the insurance quote is paid for with the labour quoted.